Solutions out of the ordinary

The spark from which our projects are born are collaborations with established studios: their creativity and performance expectations meet our technical and production capacity, and this is how insights are translated into feasible and tangible solutions, yet out of the ordinary.

The partnership does not end in the design phase, but continues in production and installation.Cimolai Architectural S.r.l. acts as a general contractor capable of managing every step of the job order, from feasibility studies to after-sales.

The value of collaboration

Cimolai Architectural S.r.l. is the partner capable of proposing cutting-edge but concrete and tangible solutions thanks to the precision in the definition of details and the attention to the actual possibilities of production and installation.

Our industry experience helps us understand the specific and unique needs of the single project, and the pursuit of excellence to develop tailor-made proposals, tested through performance analysis, material sampling, comparisons and creation of scale models.

Cimolai Architectural S.r.l. aims to ensure maximum creative freedom for partners by taking on the challenge of translating ideas and intuitions into a realistic and industrializable solution.

Our analysis and testing tools and 3D design enable us to provide structured information and hard data to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposal, foreshadowing the end result in terms of both aesthetics and performance.

Our partners