The most innovative architectural solutions elude common definitions: facades and cladding are complemented by decorative and functional elements at the same time, such as monumental staircases and walkways, whose complexity and uniqueness can only be grasped by observing them live or in photographs.

These complex ornamental elements, which can be found in indoor as well as outdoor spaces, have the characteristic of singularity: they are a distinctive component of the work, unique and tailored creations in terms of size, geometry and choice of materials. Each new project is a challenge in itself, different from the previous and never replicable.

Designing, manufacturing, and installing these architectural components requires experience, but also a significant amount of ambition and talent. It starts with the client’s stated requirements, but one must be able to surpass his expectations in order to claim victory in the challenge.


We founded Cimolai Architectural S.r.l. with the goal of being recognized as a leading partner in design, construction and installation of complex ornamental architectural elements.

Every organizational element and resource are designed with this perspective in mind:

We can support the client and the design and architecture studies from the preliminary phase of technical research and development up to the post sale.

We manage design, material selection, sampling and testing, the supply chain, production, logistics, and installation, both from a technical-operational and economic standpoint.

We create “structure and cladding” solutions, without compromising on either performance or geometry.

Ornamental decorative elements

Metal plasticity and glass transparency are the basic components of our solutions: we work preferably with steel, aluminium and glass.

Starting from these elements, we develop and create customized and tailor-made proposals that stand out in terms of both performance and aesthetics.

It’s not just the engineering and architectural details that make the difference, but also the skilful choice of components, processes and treatments that allow you to multiply the available combinations and identify the most effective for the specific project.

The architectural ornamental elements that we have created