Contact us

You can send us requests for information about our services and our commercial projects and proposals. Fill out the form below and we will reply within 15 days.

If, however, you want to offer us a collaboration or submit your application, refer to the dedicated page “Work with us“.

Our branches

Cimolai Architectural S.r.l.

P.IVA 01816350936

Tel. 0434 5581

Registered office

Via Pasteur n. 49

00144 – Roma


Operational headquarters

via Ungaresca n.38

33170 – Pordenone


Swiss branch

C/O Fidag Geneve SA

Rue Cavour 1, 1203 GENEVE

Belgium branch

Boulevard Sainctelette 39, 7000 MONS

Munich branch

Rue de Gabian 2, 98000 MONACO

Cimolai USA LLC

225 Wert 34th Streeth, New York, 10122 New York

Cimolai UK LTD

Jay Suite – Middle Court – Compley Hill Business Park

Cambridge CB22 3GN