The external cladding of a building is an element that holds both functional and aesthetic significance. The building envelope serves as a protective shell while also shaping the perception of the structure, becoming a symbol of its prestige.

Geographic area, intended use, design, and budget are the elements that influence its design and direct the choice of materials to be used toward more traditional or more innovative solutions.

It is the pursuit of a solution that simultaneously addresses all these factors that guides us in the design of cladding systems for facades and buildings.

Managing the complexity of external claddings

Managing the complexity of building envelopes means intervening in all stages of the production process::

  • in design , so that architectural and engineering choices enhance aesthetic uniqueness while preserving the feasibility of fabrication and installation;
  • in production, ensuring compliance with the performance requirements defined during the design phase, without impacting delivery times;
  • in installation, managing the countless operational variables to ensure the integrity and proper installation of the constituent elements of the work, in full compliance with safety regulations.

The maximum effectiveness is achieved by entrusting a single point of contact with each phase of the project’s implementation, ensuring continuity in both technical and economic management.

Cimolai Architectural S.r.l. aims to be a reliable partner in providing support for preliminary assessments and taking charge of all subsequent phases of order development, up to after-sales support.

We act as a single reference partner for the management of EPC contracts related to the implementation of architectural cladding and building envelopes.

Our special claddings

We process any kind of material such as steel, aluminum, bronze, fiberglass etc.

While glass contributes to the brightness and elegance of the solutions, metallic claddings have the advantage of being able to assume any shape, allowing for creative and emblematic design proposals.


Curtain walls are an architectural solution that combines aesthetic impact with technical and engineering performance.

The light component becomes a constructive element on par with the materials used in the construction of the facade, and the distance between the interior and exterior environment is reduced, almost disappearing, establishing a connection between the structure and its surroundings.

Cutting-edge materials and construction methods allow us to aspire to high classes of energy performance, without sacrificing complex geometric shapes and the combination of fixed and operable elements.

Depending on the intended use of the construction projects (industrial, commercial, or residential) and the installation location, the design of the curtain wall may involve assessments of seismic loads, sound insulation and security, making it a versatile solution.

Careful selection of components also allows for a reduction in maintenance interventions required to ensure the long-term performance, making curtain walls practical as well as functional.

The building envelopes that we have created